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Callanish Visitor Centre

Callanish Standing Stones

The west coast of Lewis, the most northerly island in the Outer Hebrides, is rich in prehistoric remains, and no visitor to the island need ever lack for an interesting place to visit or something fascinating to see.

The magnificent Standing Stones of Callanish (or Calanais, which is the Gaelic version) are famous worldwide. No matter what the weather is like and however many visitors are present, these ancient st0nes have an enigmatic, magical quality that never fails to move.

Whatever inspired their construction, all agree that the experience of visiting the Standing Stones of Calanais is not one to be missed.

The "Story of the Stones" exhibition explores how the Standing Stones were built and used and what they have meant to people through the centuries.
We have a fascinating walk-through display with graphic panels, models and an audio-visual display with a seating area.

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